I was twelve years old playing with my brother in the bedroom we shared. My dad walked in on a Saturday afternoon. He told us God had called Him into ministry and we would be moving to Texas to plant a church. After he left the room, I thought: “Thanks for sharing, but I’m not going anywhere.” My brother and I returned to our playing, not realizing what serving in ministry actually meant. I knew I had no desire to leave the comfort of our home and my friends here in Iowa.
Now, fast forward thirty-five plus years, fired from a job I enjoyed and earned millions of dollars for the company. I had busted my tail in rehab to return to work after my stroke in 2010. Things were definitely in flux as I sat in my living room conversing with the oldest of my sisters about what had happened. I was not sure what was next for myself. I had been successful in sales for almost twenty years.
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to Him. You will eat the fruit of your labor, blessings and prosperity will be yours. – Psalms 128:1-2
God works in Mysterious Ways
In the immediate future of being fired, I enjoyed not having to wake up with the roosters to begin working at 6:30 in the morning. However, it was not long before I was longing to do something productive. In November of 2014, my baby sister sent me an email. In the email, she mentioned how much I always wanted to write. She also sent me some links to various blog sites and suggested that I consider creating one myself.
Blog? Seriously? I scoffed at the notion. My perception of a blog was someone detailing their daily activities like an online journal. Despite my misguided perceptions, I clicked on the links and began to read the different blogs… and I was pleasantly surprised!
The writers of these blogs seemed to be helping people! They offered helpful tips, ideas, and even encouragement to their readers. I was stunned at the responses and comments that their readers were leaving–thanking them for the help, or sharing similar experiences mentioned in the post. I wanted to create a blog to help and encourage people as well. God had given me a new purpose!
“What’s next God?”
It was exhilarating to have purpose waking up each morning. My firing was in the rear-view mirror. I needed to figure out this “blogging” thing. Nevertheless, my blog needed a name. I was already in a praying state of mind–asking God for direction.
Now, I was praying for Him to give me a name for my website. Initially, I wanted to incorporate the words “salt and light” for my blog. It was my heart’s desire to glorify God with my life and my writing. Googling salt and light, it was everywhere. I said, no thanks–I wanted something unique, so I continued to pray.
It was the week between Christmas and New Years Day-kinda a sleepy week. My radio was on Christian radio. I was listening to a poignant message from Chuck Swindoll. Then it happened! God gave me the title for my blog site, PleasingtothePotter.com. It was such a wonderful epiphany. The name of my new website represented everything I wanted to do with my life going forward.
Nothing but Crickets
The excitement of writing and publishing my first post was a huge victory. It had taken several weeks of trial and error-several errors just getting the website setup. I was so thrilled and hopeful to share what God had done in my life since the stroke.
I published an article titled, New Creature in Christ. Even though I had accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of 5, I was not living for Him. The first post was published, and I waited and waited some more. Nothing. No response and no comments. It was months before that initial post received any feedback. My next post the following month was about the same, I doubled my comments from one to two. Something needed to change.
Community of Kindness
It is because of the kindness of Crystal Storms of Heart encouragement, Lori Tullis over at Frog’s Lilypad, Deb Wolfe with Counting your Blessings and Lori Schumacher with Moments of Hope that I am continuing to write today. These godly, Christian women were some of the very first to welcome me into their blogging communities and allow me to share what God had put on my heart. A massive thank you to these women and the women who participate in their weekly link-ups for welcoming me and encouraging me in my writing. Lori Tullis, your prayer partnership has meant the world to me. Just know I continue in prayer for you and your family.
A special heartfelt thanks to Marva from SunSparkleShine who has been there to help and support me during some of the severe health issues I have been battling the past few years. She offered to and had written beautiful blog posts on my site when I was unable to do so. Her review on my book on prayer she emailed me almost brought me to tears. Also, I want to say thank you to Melanie Redd. She was the first person to pin some of my images and invite me to share my posts in Christian/Bible groups on Pinterest. Her words of encouragement from the beginning meant the world to me.
One thing that has stuck with me was that when on more than one occasion one of the ladies would leave in the comments, May God bless you in your ministry.” Ministry? There’s that word again almost forty years later when I’d heard it from my father.
“I just want to write.”
Words cannot express how much I appreciated the kind words of encouragement from all of these women. However, I was confused when they referred to my “ministry.” In my mind, there was no ministry, and I just wanted to write. That word was still scary to me. I had never considered that God would use my writing as a ministry. However, for me, this has become a double blessing. I have the opportunity to share my testimony of faith doing something I love-writing about my Lord and Savior.
Walking in Faith
One of my all-time favorite passages of scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6. I know many readers know this scripture by heart. But for me, it has taken on a more special meaning recently. “Acknowledge Him in all your ways” is the portion I try to focus on in every situation. Asking God first and seeking His purpose is critical.
My website had been doing well for a year as I continued to grow my community and develop a platform for myself. I began to pray to ask God what I should do next, and He prompted me to write a book on prayer to give people hope.
My initial response was, write a book? Are you serious, God? It took me forever to get my website up. I have no idea how to write a book, Lord. However, there was a small part of me that was both excited and anxious about the opportunity to write a book on prayer. I had seen the power of prayer in my life and was thrilled to share my story. Let’s do this, Lord!
For truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. – Matthew 17:20
Mountains Moved
God indeed was with me in the writing and publishing of my book on the power of prayer. Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life continued to receive excellent reviews and was awarded a bronze medal from Readers Favorite in the Christian non-fiction category.
I wept in with gratitude to my Lord for blessing me with accolades for the book. It was an affirmation from Him in being obedient despite my fears. This December, exactly two years to the date of publishing the book, I will be attending a red carpet award ceremony at the 8th Annual 2018 Christian Literary Awards. The book is one of six other books that received a nomination for the prestigious Henri award in the Inspirational category.
The awards and excellent reviews have been beyond encouraging and affirming. As a first-time author, I hope that the recognition will help in my original purpose for writing the book. I want to get it in as many hands as possible to remind Christians of the power that is available to them via prayer. I want to encourage and inspire all who read to pray with purpose.
Regardless if the book wins awards in December, I would be remiss if I did not give a sincere word of thanks to both Megan Langston and Melinda Martin, my copy editor and book designer. Both of them are Christians and have been such a pleasure to work with on my books. I am thrilled that they have committed to work me on my next book titled, The Furnace of Affliction: How God uses Your Pain and Suffering for His purpose.
Heart of Gratitude
I know there are some who will visit my site-read this post while just skimming over parts of this and not read it’s entirety. I understand that’s the case in this microwave/fast food society. I’m not sure that everyone mentioned will even read this article.
I wanted to share these words of thanks because God put it on my heart. It was about a month ago, and I was halfway through writing my new book and attacked with severe doubt. It was to the point where I had considered not moving forward on this project at all.
Thank You, God
I had gotten up to take my nighttime medicine, and I was headed back to bed. I felt God leading me to my computer. He instructed me to sit down and read the book together as each chapter is currently separate. I wanted to argue with Him and get in bed because it was 11:15 pm.
So, I sat down and read each chapter and then I began to realize that this book will help and encourage all who read. I thanked God for instilling within me the desire to write about Him. I will never be able to thank Him enough for all that He has does and continues to do in my life. To borrow a thought from my new book, I am Redeemed, Restored, and God continues to Refine me into the man of God He desires. Thank Him for His grace.
I am a born-again Christian. Stroke survivor. An Award-winning Author. I desire to enlighten, encourage, and educate you about the Transforming Power and Love of God. He can change your life as He has done for me! Visit my website for more inspiration and join me on social media!
I love this, Horace! I have the same feeling when someone says “ministry” to me about my blog especially since I have a full-time job and don’t monetize. It sometimes felt like a me-nistry. I just wanted to write and share the wisdom God reveals on my journey. And I couldn’t agree more with your list of encouragers; they do stick out from the crowd. God’s power and might over your new book, my friend!