A friend was having a difficult time. Everything seemed to be crashing down on her from every direction without refuge. Being a good friend and the “Bible Study Girl” that I am, I sent her a text with a Bible verse to encourage her.
The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble, He cares for those who trust in Him. (Nahum 1:7)
I sincerely wanted her to be comforted and strengthened by God’s Word. A few days after the text to my friend, I received some personal news that I really didn’t want to hear.
I pouted, shed some tears, and got angry, but then the verse that I texted my friend surged forward in my mind. Now the shoe was on MY foot.
How easily I gave the verse to my friend and wanted her to believe it but would I myself believe that God is good? Would I believe His promise that He would be MY refuge in times of trouble and that He cares for ME? Would I trust Him?
Just as a body is strengthened by exercise, our faith is strengthened when it is exercised, stretched, and challenged. Many times we avoid physical exercise because it’s grueling and exhausting and so too we avoid trouble or difficult circumstances that may cause us pain.
But God knows exactly where we need to grow and He sometimes allows the painful, the difficult, the challenging, and the disappointing to grow our faith and dependence on Him. I’m thankful the Holy Spirit reminded me of that verse from Nahum so that I could encourage my friend with it. I’m also thankful that He knew I needed it too.
Maybe you’re in a difficult situation right now where your faith is being challenged. Nahum 1:7 says that God “cares for those who trust in Him.”
It’s an invitation and a choice – “trust ME” God says. Hard times give us the opportunity to trust that God will provide what is needed, heal what is broken, comfort a downcast heart, and catch the tears that run down our cheeks.
God says run to me and let me be your refuge – your shelter, your sanctuary, your safe place. I’m praying for you dear reader. I’m praying that the Holy Spirit will speak to you. I’m praying God will comfort you with His faithful promises so your trust and dependence on Him deepens and increases. Hold tightly to Him. His arms are open and He won’t let you down.
© 2020 Robin R King
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

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