Becoming more like Jesus can be an intimidating thought when we truly think about it. After all, He is the Creator of the universe, the resurrected Savior for all mankind and Almighty God! Even though He has risen from the dead, He keeps us here on earth to be a representation of who He is. When I think about what He has brought me through; I am humbled and thankful that He is by my side.
His desire is to mold and grow us each and every day to be more like Him (Romans 8:29). Yes, there are tumultuous trials; we are faced with spiritual warfare every day, but there is also something so remarkable and life transforming as we seek to live for Him! Based on my experiences over the past few years since my stroke, I want to share with you seven AMAZING benefits for becoming more like Jesus every day!
Benefit #1: Relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
For those whom He foreknew, He predestined to be conformed to the image of His son; so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren.” (Romans 8:29)
Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for our sins when He died for us on the cross. Through His Resurrection and our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior we can have unblocked access to our Heavenly Father. As we read His word daily and reach out to Him in prayer, He communicates His will and desires for our lives and helps us to understand our purpose for His glory!
Benefit #2: Renewed Mind.
For if while we were enemies; we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more being reconciled we shall be saved by His life.” (Romans 5:10)
As we spend time communicating with God and studying His word, our mind begins to change. Our thoughts become more Christ like as we grow to despise sin like He does. The things we speak, think, and do are transformed as our mind becomes saturated with God’s word.
Benefit #3: Rejuvenated Spirit.
And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and put on the new self which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.” (Ephesians 4:23-24)
It was not until after my mind began to renew that my spirit was rejuvenated from the unquestionable HOPE in my Savior. I had a HUNGER to know more about Him and learn why He allowed me to survive my stroke. I was HUMBLED when I realized His unconditional love for me that steered me off the dangerous path I was headed down. Yes, there will always be trials and tribulations but when we remember all that Christ has done for us, our heart should shout with joy!
Benefit #4: Renovated Heart.
This benefit may cause us to endure some pain as God begins to peel away the residue of habitual or hidden sins. The renovations can take time depending on our willingness to change and our stubbornness to hold on to things that keep us from fulfilling His will for our lives. He replaces what we thought was something we needed with His unfailing love and divine strength to overcome anything.
And the hope of God does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts which was given to us through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:5)
Benefit #5: Reconstructed Future.
Since we have accepted Christ as our Savior, we have the promise of spending eternity in Heaven with Him. He wants to bless us not only in Heaven someday but right now as we seek to live for Him. The Prosperity of His Peace, the Goodness of His Grace, and the Moments of His Mercy are all bountiful blessings that we can receive right now as we live for Him!
In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and will come again and receive unto myself that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:2-3)
A faithful man will abound with blessings…” (Proverbs 28:20)
Benefit #6: Righteous Thoughts.
As result of a renewed mind our thoughts about life change. In spite of the personal attacks from Satan, the dramatic changes in the world around us, our country grows further away from God, and our righteous thoughts help us to see everything through God’s eyes. Jesus warned us about the tribulations and turmoil we would encounter but He also promised to leave us with incomparable peace. He wants us to TRUST HIM completely in every situation.
Benefit #7: Reinforced Faith.
This is one of my favorite benefits (although #5 is hard to beat). One time I was headed to the doctor with my parents and my mother said to me, “You know you are in spiritual warfare?” I said to her, “I must be doing something right if the devil continues to attack.” I don’t mean that in a prideful way, but I am thankful that as God brings me through each and every trial, my faith in Jesus grows stronger every day. I hope to encourage others as they witness my response to difficulties and trials.
Before I was afflicted, I went astray but now I keep Thy word. May those who fear You see me and be glad, because I wait for your word.” (Psalm 119:67-74)
These seven benefits have transformed my life and it’s my prayer that you are encouraged as you’ve read them. Becoming more like Christ is a tremendous responsibility but also the highest of honors. As a member of God’s family, I am thankful for the blessing of these benefits as I seek to continue God’s will for my life.
I am a born-again Christian. Stroke survivor. An Award-winning Author. I desire to enlighten, encourage, and educate you about the Transforming Power and Love of God. He can change your life as He has done for me! Visit my website for more inspiration and join me on social media!
Horace- this was so good! It was really uplifting this morning to me!
So glad you’re sharing your journey!
Horace, this post rings with truth! Becoming more like Christ-like… what an amazing promise! My favorite benefit has to be number one; there’s just nothing better than being able to be in relationship with the Father through the Son. As you so beautifully stated… ‘Through His Resurrection and our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior we can have unblocked access to our Heavenly Father.” Hallelujah!
I certainly love all these benefits! I particularly loved the rejuvenated spirit!