524 Origin Time-out

I am a quiet woman growing each day in the LORD. Married to Kenneth Gill, we have no children, and live in Portland, Texas, USA (across the bay from Corpus Christi). I am a retired elementary school teacher, and now tutor primary-aged children who are falling behind in those early years of school. Visit my blog or follow my social media!
Linda, thank you for being bold addressing the topic of aging. Aging brings many challenges, but many rewards as well. Americans don’t like to think of aging and it certainty doesn’t admire the wisdom that comes with it. I accept this time of my life, knowing how much the Lord loves and honors me, I’m precious in His sight. Amen
Yes, praising the Lord is what draws us nearer to our Creator. He knows these bodies are growing older but He also knows our hearts. Thank you, Elaine, for sharing your heart as well.
Linda, This was just a precious, precious post. I SO appreciate the wisdom you impart through your words. My dear Mom grew old in the way you described here. She was a wellspring of wisdom, and I sorely miss her counsel, now that she is gone. She would often call me just to say, “Cheryl, the Lord gave me a Scripture for you.” Oh, I miss those calls and being able to turn to her! I want to be a blessing to others, the way my dear, Godly mother blessed me. Pray for me, please.
Oh, Cheryl, I am praying right now as I type these words. I will lift you up for the blessing to others that we can be is the call of God upon our lives as we walk in this world.
You were truly blessed to have a mother such as yours. I lost my mother 3 years ago after caring for her for 15 years. I miss her so too although she was not the spiritual stronghold that your mother was. A loving and fun Mama though.
The memories of your Mom calling with a Scripture is so precious.
Thank you for sharing here. I am blessed.
This is so good, Linda. As I was changing the sheets on my bed yesterday, I was wondering how I would do this when I’m “old” and feeble. I don’t like thinking of all the things I might have to give up one day, but that’s not where I need to place my concern. “A woman’s worth is measured in godly increments.” I want to think of this instead! Thanks for sharing, friend.
Oh, sweet Lisa…”in godly increments.” I love that. Yes, I did not know that this time would be here so soon…and there were years when I skipped many increments, thinking that I wanted to get out of the time period I was in. I wanted to grow up, mature, be this or be that. I missed some in there! I am slower now and see better through trifocals because I am looking less with my eyes and more with my heart. You do that too as I read that in your words, my friend. I love you, ~ linda
This is so good, Linda! I love this: ” Her true beauty shines from her heart, especially as she ages, having gained spiritual wisdom.” I have found this to be true in so many sisters around me!
Thank you, Karrilee. I love to look around me and see those older than myself shining in the Lord.
These are such beautiful words about the beauty of aging well in Christ! Your post reminded me of Elisabeth Elliot, who spoke often to women about desiring the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. I remember her saying how that doesn’t come naturally to any of us! But as I watched hr grow older, I saw how God blessed her with that very spirit. I pray that I will let Him mold me through these years of growing older now. Blessed to be your neighbor over at #TeaAndWord today!
Yes, Bettie, it is in the molding and making us by the Lord that grows us into the woman He desires of us. Thank you for reminding me of Elisabeth Elliot. She is a beautiful example.
Linda this is so encouraging to me. You have a gift! I shared this today all over the place. Love and blessings!!!!
Bless you, you sweet sister. I am grateful that this is encouraging as I am blessed in return. Thank you for sharing this….”all over the place.”
Beautiful reassuring words and prayer! My heart lifted on reading them. Amen to all you said, especially this: “The body is decaying. One day, she will return to dust. Yet the heart of God living within her never grows old, never decays. How glorious!” We so need such glorious reminders. Thank you and bless you, Linda, for your faithful exposition here.
Joy, I need these words back to me as well. I am 68 and feel the age-related changes. It can be hard, but when I recall the Lord’s blessings, my heart is also lifted. I feel closer to Him in these days of my life.
Linda, such inspiring thought wove together to give us breath of fresh air in our aging. We can age out of youth, age out of middle age even, but we can’t age out of the Lord. When you used the word “measured” I thought you were going to talk about MENE TEKEL – or more accurately TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting (Daniel 5:27). But you didn’t. You shared with us the beauty of growing in the Lord. May we all be found in the balances filled with His mercy, grace and holiness. Thanks for sharing this on the Loft.
Yes, I pray for that too, Chris…that we would all…each…be found in the balances with God’s gifts of mercy, grace, and holiness.
Your words bless me. Thankful I did not go with TEKEL! : )
As someone who is “there,” I found this very encouraging! Thank you for your sweet words. Blessings!
Donna, as you and I are both “there” may we continue to grow in His grace.
What a beautiful post! I wish every woman feeling insecurities set in about the aging process could hold onto this truth of our beauty being reflected from the legacy we are creating. Thank so much for sharing this at #MomentsofHope, too! There is so much hope in recognizing our true value and identity!
Blessings and smiles,
Yes and Amen. Lori, there truly is so very much hope in seeing our beauty in Christ. May our eyes be opened wider each day and may we walk in His grace for the remainder of our days.
Beautifully edifying post with wonderful reminders of our surpassing worth in Jesus, most especially in our advancing age. God redeems every season for our good and His glory.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Thankful for this post, Linda, and praying for grace and wisdom to hold fast to the truth of your words as the years progress. We are more than our appearance, and in God’s sight we are cherished for our uniqueness at any age!