Think of a child who asks her parent for something… and the answer is no. Rarely is that the end of the conversation. The child wants to know Why? Why is the answer no?
I think of this because I know I’m often that child when God answers no. But why God? I don’t understand. Why can’t I have that? (Because in my mind, it seems so perfect). But like the parent who knows what’s best for her daughter, God knows what’s best for me. Even as an adult, “No” isn’t what I want to hear when my sights are set on one particular thing. I justify it. I explain it. I might even whine a little. Maybe God will change His mind.
Over the past couple of years, I’ve been looking at God’s answer of no a little differently. I know I’m in a season of life that won’t last forever. Maybe God’s no to one thing is so that I can focus on where I am right now. So I can be fully present where I’m needed today. So I don’t miss out on this season that will one day be over. It wasn’t easy to reach this point of acceptance. Some days, I take a few steps back and ask why again. And God gently reminds me to be here today.
With acceptance comes peace. Peace with the season I’m in. That doesn’t mean the struggles aren’t real. They are, and some days are like walking into a squall. They can be brutal. But acceptance calms my desires for what isn’t mine to have right now.
Acceptance doesn’t mean I stop trying. It doesn’t mean not moving forward. Acceptance of the season I’m in means I can see the gift of today. Despite the most difficult moments, today won’t last forever. God’s gift is the peace to see that.
Maybe God’s no is really a gift of right now because tomorrow I will regret missing today. It’s too easy to be so focused on what I want that I can’t see what I have. God’s no right now might only be for this season. Like a child hears, “Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up,” I’m hearing, “Don’t be in such a hurry to rush through to the next season. There’s too much to miss today.”
I don’t know what the future holds, but God does. Whether the future is tomorrow or years from now, God knows what He has planned. I don’t want to look back at yesterday and regret what I missed because I was whining about tomorrow.
With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let Him lead you, and He will clear the road for you to follow.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 CEV)
Are you in a season where God’s no is a gift?
I write to encourage women in their walk with Christ, but I am also wife, mother, writer, and blogger, as well as working in church ministry. Regularly I contribute at LifeLetter Cafe. Visit my website or follow me on social media!
I was in a season of complete and utter change.. my husband and I relocated to another state to be closer to his family in April 2016 – no home & no job! We were able to rent a house (with no income) and my husband quickly found a job! I walked along our beach and pier praying for patience in his presence while looking for work. He rewarded me with a new Godly friend who has shown me what it means to be a true woman of Christ. Now I start my new job next Monday with an organization that only God could have orchestrated over the last 25 years!
Great to know! Thanks for sharing Kerry!
What a great testimony Kerry! Thank you for sharing!
There are a few times that I look back on my life when God said “no” and thank Him because after the fact I saw why it would not have been a good choice/school/husband etc.. Of course that’s not always the case and that’s were faith steps in!
What a blessing it is when God lets us look back and see how He worked! It helps me through the next time I’m struggling. Blessings!
I can so relate to this post. Sometimes I think I just have to know why God say’s no but in reality he is my Father and he knows what is best for me. I need to rest in the knowledge that he will never lead me astray and he always has my best interest in mind. Thank you for the reminder!
Thank you Sandra. I too want to know why He says no…but even if He told me, I’d probably still argue or try to change His mind.