How can we overcome the fear of the unknown? We want and pray for change – to start a new career, to restore a relationship, to learn a new skill, to write a book, to heal. The fulfillment of our goals, desires and God’s promises means change and venturing into the unknown. Often, what holds us back and is our greatest enemy is the fear of the unknown.
Fear of the unknown – meaning
What is the fear of the unknown and why does it have such an effect on us? One of the main reasons is that the fear of the unknown has its origin in our basic need for safety and security. Somehow, we have adopted the wrong idea that security equals comfort and predictability, and/or a lack of uncertainty. To achieve this, we try to control people and circumstances, which only leads to anxiety and increases fear.
However, our need for security and safety can be fully met only in Christ. When we make God our refuge and acknowledge Him as our safe dwelling place now and forever, we are breaking free from the false security.
The fear of the unknown very often goes together with the fear of failure and the fear of the future, as well as the fear of life. In Christ, God is leading us in freedom and the truth in His word is the best weapon to overcome the fear of the unknown.
The first step – accepting the reality
The first step in overcoming the fear of the unknown is to examine our ideas of safety and security and align them with some basic Biblical truths:
- The fulfilling life, growth, and development we want are outside our comfort zone. God has not called us to a mediocre, predictable and comfortable life. He has called us to a way of life as sojourners and pilgrims, living by faith and not by sight. (1 Peter 2:11)
- The only constant thing in life is change. We are designed for change and growth. It is good for us and it brings us countless benefits. It is best for us to accept and develop a growth mindset.
- Change means leaving the familiar and venturing into the unknown, into unfamiliar and uncharted land. Walking into uncharted land requires faith and a support system outside ourselves that is greater than we are.
Trusting God is the path to overcome the fear of the unknown.
More Biblical truths to disperse the fear of the unknown
- We are not alone on the way. We have a Helper, Companion, the perfect Guide, a wonderful Counselor, Teacher, and Instructor, available and ready to help 24/7. He guides us in all truth and shows us things to come. (John 16:13)
- The unknown is unknown only to us but not to God. He knows everything.
- Our insecurities are not defining us. We are already whole and complete as children of God. Jesus plus you equals wholeness.
- God is not limited by time. He has been in our past, and He knows and prepares our future. In fact, as a Way-maker, He is going before us, preparing, and leading the way.
Strategies to overcome the fear of the unknown
Aligning our ideas of safety with God’s and making Him our safe place gives us a stable platform in life. From here, we can continue in the overcoming process by applying these biblical strategies:
- Developing God-confidence by changing the focus from our own limitations to God’s unlimited wisdom and power. We learn not to rely on ourselves but to put our trust in God by exercising faith.
- Choosing trust versus control. This means we need to submit our way to God and release the control acknowledging His leadership, making Him God over our unknowns.
- Recalling, thinking, meditating on Bible verses and promises regarding the fear of the unknown. You can learn what the Bible says about the fear of the unknown here. God’s Word is telling us that if we love and live His truths, we will have great peace and nothing will make us stumble. (Psalm 119:165)
- Practicing steps of faith. All we need is to start with just a step. Then the next and the next. The more we practice making choices motivated by faith and not by fear, the easier it will get. We will gain new confidence, which will boost our motivation and will invigorate us.
- Understanding that this is a life-long process. The fear of the unknown may always attack with every new situation but when we are grounded in the truth and apply it, we can learn how to deal with it every time.
Your turn
Do you struggle with fear of the unknown? Which of these strategies is the most helpful for you? If you find this post helpful, please comment and share it on social media. Thanks!
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I am passionate to encourage people through my blog and poems to stand firm in faith and learn to know and love God. I love diving deeper into the Word of God and finding hidden treasures. I enjoy reading, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. Let’s connect!
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