“Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.” Mark Manson
God has a sovereign plan for your life. Woven into the fabric of that plan is faith, and to try to remove its thread would unravel the entire masterpiece.
Are you willing to look your fear and insecurities in the face and move forward in faith, anyways?
Look at the ocean and the stars. Do you know you were created from the same hand?
The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives within you (Romans 8:11)
To deny your power and influence is to deny the altogether wonderful work of the Creator! (Psalm 139:14)
When did you start believing more in who the world says you are than who God says you are?
Draw a line in the sand.
Draw a line in the sand to separate yourself from all those bad experiences and words that have taken root deep inside and chip away at your confidence. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind! (Romans 12:12)
Start spending more time in God’s word, and you will start to discover who He is and who you are. A woman seeking God is radiant and glows differently! (Exodus 34: 29-35)
- Don’t overwhelm yourself with the big picture when God just asked you to muster up enough faith to take the next step.
- Focus on your God, not your fear. If God instructs you to do something, do it before talking yourself out of it. Will you obey fear or God?
“FAITH and FEAR make poor bedfellows. Where one is found, the other cannot exist.” Napoleon Hill
Seek His Approval.
- Concern yourself only with God’s approval, not others.
- Know that those who are meant to be in your life will stay there and inspire, encourage, and support you on your journey. Those that leave, let them. God will fill those spaces with new life-giving friendships! New thread to strengthen you.
From my heart to yours,

I am a 24 year old girl just trying to go through this simply complicated life with my gaze focused entirely on God. I also want to encourage other twenty-somethings like me to do the same!
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