As a beginner, you might be wondering how to study the Bible or where to start. I know sometimes it’s easy to flip through the pages, chapters, and scriptures only to feel as though you are sailing on a journey that has no end.
But in this article, I will show you a step by step guide to studying with purpose and finding truth.
1. Prayer
Why must you pray?
The Bible isn’t like any of the books you have read. If you have the mindset of reading the Bible as though you are reading just any book, then the whole purpose of studying the scriptures is futile.
Studying scripture with a natural mind as stated in 1 Corinthians 2:14 won’t yield fruitful results because the Word of God is spiritually discerned.
You must pray by asking for help from the Holy Spirit, because he is the one that will guide you into truth, so only he can give life and inspiration to that which you intend to read.
Basically, you need to pray so that the original intent and the truth hidden in the scriptures will be revealed to you.
2. Plan Your Bible Study
Planning your Bible study means that you determine the number of minutes or hours you want to spend reading the Bible, either each day or week. This is done in order for you to be disciplined.
Once you start reading the Bible, I can assure you that a lot of distractions will come to prevent you, but the time limit you have placed on yourself will keep you grounded and motivated in the word.
3. Have a Bible Study Notebook
You will be need a notebook so you can write out the truth revealed by the Holy Spirit.
Writing your thoughts is better than simply tucking them away inside your memory. I am sure you will agree with me that memory fails but your notebook won’t and you can always reference it.
4. Meditation
Meditation is a major key to getting a lot from your Bible study. I know it isn’t that easy to be still, but for you to get much understanding, you have to meditate on the scriptures you have read.
Meditation is focusing/pondering on what you have read, and because God’s word is life-transforming, it reveals a lot of truth about the scriptures that go beyond your natural mind. Meditation should be carried out in a place of total silence to avoid distractions.
5. Study the Bible by Chapters or Find a Study Plan
These are two easy Bible study methods for beginners. After finishing your daily reading, try to find something about it that resonated with you and use the SOAP method below (in your notebook!).
The SOAP Bible Study Method
1. S = Scripture
Write out in your Bible study notebook the scripture(s) that ministered to you while you did your Bible study.
2. O = Observation
This method requires you to think about the scripture(s) you wrote down in your Bible study notebook and record your personal thoughts/feelings, as well as spirit led truth. This is also the method of meditation described above.
3. A = Application
This part encourages you to apply the knowledge gained to your personal life moving forward.
4. P = Prayer
This step is for praying about the truth has been revealed to you and any other thoughts/concerns tied to it.
SOAP Method of Bible Study Example
1. S = Scripture
The scripture I will be using for this example is:
“He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” (1 John 4:8)
2. O = Observation/Meditation
After meditating on this scripture, I got three beautiful insights which are:
- Those who don’t know God can’t truly walk in love
- God is love and is the only perfect provider of it
- Love is not just a feeling, but a way of life and one of the great offerings of God
My observation led to me searching out other scriptures for love via my Youversion Bible App.
3. A = Application
While I meditated on the scripture, I realized that if love was a guarantee that I know God, it then means I don’t really know God, cause I doubt that I possess any of the characteristics of love written in the above scripture.
I also realized that Love is God’s nature, and since he is my father, it is possible for me to love the way he does.
This leads us to the next step I will be taking as regards the knowledge I have now.
4. P = Prayer
I took my insights to God in prayer and asked him to teach me to love like he does, because it can’t solely be done by my effort. I also wrote a short, direct prayer in my notebook.
Before I end this article, I will like to give a list of some Bible study topics in case you want this approach:
- Faith
- Righteousness
- Concept of sin and forgiveness
- Salvation
- The suffering, death and resurrection of Christ
- Love
You are now prepared to start studying the Bible with purpose and with tools to access it’s wonderful truth. God bless!

My name is Victoria Alabi Mercy. I am a Christian and a blogger that encourages people to a deeper walk with God through meditation and Bible studies.
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