We were created for authentic relationship! Relationship with God and relationship with others. As we look in the book of Genesis, we catch a glimpse of the way relationship with the Father is supposed to look–the way it was before sin entered into the picture.
In Genesis 3, we see reference to God coming to spend time in the Garden with Adam and Eve. Scripture also tells us that Noah (Genesis 6:9) and Enoch (Genesis 5:22, 24) walked with God. God even appeared to Abram (Genesis 12:7). This was the intended way for us to be in authentic relationship with God. However, we’ve been living under a model of broken relationship and we are no longer supposed to be.
With Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, He restored us back to right relationship with the Father. It’s time for us to grab a hold of this New Testament revelation. This new covenant relationship is now available to us. Jesus made it possible for us to have deep authentic relationship with God, just as Adam and Eve did and just as He did too.
As Christians we are Christ followers. Christ followers are to be disciples. A disciple follows in the footsteps and ways of his master. Therefore, if we are followers of Jesus Christ, we need to look at His life and live by His example. Jesus showed us what it means to have a deep authentic relationship with the Father. As we look at His life, we see the key things He modeled for us.
The 3-C’s to Developing Authentic Relationship with God
1. Connection
We need to make our relationship with Jesus a priority. We do this by making a point to connect with Him every day. This happens when we dedicate specific time to spend with Him. Jesus made time to be alone with the Father. There are several locations throughout the scripture where Jesus withdraws from the disciples and the crowds to be alone with God.
Jesus repeatedly left the crowds, though, stealing away into the wilderness to pray. (Luke 5:16 The Voice)
We can’t have real relationships if we never spend time others. The same is true of our relationship with God. We must set aside time and be purposeful about making time just to be with Him. He longs for us to spend time reading His word, being in His presence, worshiping Him. It is out of these places of being with each other that God will speak and pour out new fresh revelation to us.
2. Communication
Communication involves having ongoing, open two-way conversations. Jesus said He only spoke what the Father told Him to speak and He only did what the Father told Him to do (John 5:19; 8:28; 12:49-50). This models a two-way ongoing conversation. Scripture never tells us the exact conversations Jesus and His Father were having, but we know that He in fact had an ongoing dialogue. This two-way conversation is how Jesus received His marching orders, and it’s how we do as well.
Jesus: The truth is that the Son does nothing on His own; all these actions are led by the Father. The Son watches the Father closely and then mimics the work of the Father (John 5:19 The Voice).
It’s the same for us. I can’t image not having two-way conversations with the people in my life. A two-way conversation requires someone talking and someone listening. Then it involves a response and more listening and more responding. This is a natural, normal part of real authentic relationship. We need to learn the ways God speaks and tune in to hear His voice so that we can have an ongoing dialogue with him every single day.
3. Commitment
Commitment is about being “ALL In” with God. It means we value spending time with Him always. It means we have faith in Him. It means we trust and obey Him when He speaks, even if we don’t understand. It means we value the relationship we have with Him and hold it in high regard. Being committed to relationship means we stay even when it’s difficult. Staying committed is a choice.
Jesus showed us what true commitment means in the aspect of relationship. Hours before Jesus was seized and put on trial, which would lead to His crucifixion, we see Him asking the Father to take the cup from Him. However, Jesus says, “Even if you don’t, I am committed to see it through, I want Your way Father.” Jesus is saying, “I love You. I value you. I honor You and will trust Your plans not my own.”
Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:39 NIV)
Connection, Communication and Commitment are three C’s to developing authentic relationship with God. These keys are integral to any relationship, but especially our relationship with God. Jesus is extending an invitation and calling us to go deeper with Him.

I am passionate about people walking in their kingdom purpose. I am a natural born encourager on fire for Jesus and I love to inspire others to see the God potential inside of them. I am an author, speaker, pastor and the founder of “Dare 2 Hear,” ministry training individuals in hearing the voice of God. I’m passionate about equipping individuals, so they can go deeper in their relationship with God. My new book, The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement: Hearing the Words of God for Others, released August 21, 2018 with Chosen Books.
Please visit my website or follow my social media!
Wonderfully helpful article! Thank you! I pray that God will strengthen me in all these areas. And that He will richly bless and increase you and your territory!
Very helpful, Thanks for this!
A close relationship with God is possible for everyone.
Regardless of your past circumstances and mistakes, there is always a chance for you to develop a relationship with the Creator.
Please read my blog: 4 Ways to Develop a Close Relationship with God
Hope this will also help. Thank you and God Bless you..