For those of us trying to find purpose, God uses everything on our day to day for it.
It’s funny coming back to a place and seeing it with new eyes, or hearing a song that brings you back to a certain memory, or encountering a smell that reminds you of a place or someone.
I feel this way as I sit here in the same Starbucks I sat in two years ago when I first lived in NYC. The same Starbucks I used to journal in and occasionally write a blog for my free WordPress site that only got viewed by me.
It’s crazy what God was able to accomplish with me in just the short amount of time since I surrendered my life to Him.
Back then, I didn’t think I’d be sitting here in this same cafe–now writing a blog that reaches international audiences and have a podcast with +20 episodes.
I didn’t think I’d publish monthly newsletters that get read by more than just me and my mom (LOL), or have a leadership role in an online ministry, or be a contributing writer to three successful websites. But that’s just the work God has done in terms of my faith blog.
It doesn’t even touch on what He’s done to me internally or in my professional or personal life!
This article is just as much of a praise report as it is a call to action and finding the purpose all around you.
To you, and to myself… He’s not done.
When I started journaling my freshman year in college, I never thought that those letters written in privacy would possibly be used to help those who may be going through similar experiences. But isn’t that God–to use what seems ordinary to us and make it extraordinary when we allow him to?
When I started, I didn’t know that writing was a gift. But now I see that God infuses me with His words so that I can share them with those who need it and even refresh myself, too!
So, brother or sister in Christ–no more being idle and thinking “now” doesn’t have a purpose. Take what you have in front of you–time to volunteer, babysit your grandson, a computer to write a blog, a voice to sing, a heart to pray for those in your life, etc–and USE IT!
Even if you don’t see it going anywhere, our vision doesn’t see the whole purpose of what God has planned for those who love Him! (1 Corinthians 2:9)
You never know what He can do in a month, a year, three years, or a decade, but in order for Him to take you to the next level, you have to start where you’re at and master it.
Dear friend, I am looking forward to hearing of what God has done/is doing through you and for you!
I am a 24 year old girl just trying to go through this simply complicated life with my gaze focused entirely on God. I also want to encourage other twenty-somethings like me to do the same!
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