Ever since I was a very small child, I loved watching birds. I would wake up with them! I remember sitting at the front window very early in the morning watching the robins as they hopped around the blades of grass glistening with dew. The robins would tilt their heads to listen for worms and suddenly snatch one up! But this little girl’s fascination didn’t stop there…
On warm summer evenings, after a fresh bath, I would put on crisp pajamas and crawl into bed for an early bedtime of 7:30 p.m. As the sun would set, I loved falling asleep to the sound of the Robin’s beautiful night song which would fill the air with such comforting sounds.
I still love listening to the different bird songs that fill my backyard.
In the middle of the night, warm summer breezes blow through open windows, carrying with it the sound of a lone bird calling in the distance, and such peace washes over me. As the sun begins to rise, the bird’s song seems to be the most exuberant and cheerful.
I sat and pondered this.
Do I face each new day with singing and rejoicing, or do I complain and dread the day? Or, as I lay my head to sleep, do I rejoice in the day that the Lord had given me, praising Him for His many blessings, or am I weary from burdens, grumbling myself to sleep…
I confess that too often, when I become fully awake and aware, all my troubles seem to come flying back into my head after being tucked away while I slept. And at bedtime, I can find myself presupposing what the next day will be like… borrowing trouble.
The attitude of my heart should instead sing aloud of His steadfast love in the morning (Psalm 59:16).
My heart should never be lacking in praise to my God and Father. No matter what my circumstances are, there are always reasons to praise Him: most especially for His unfailing love for me! Starting my morning with praise on my lips to the Lord will set the tone for the rest of the day.
My mornings should begin with prayer and time in the Word.
Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me to know the way I should go for to you I lift up my soul.” (Psalm 143:8)
Every verse in God’s word speaks of His steadfast love for me. To begin my day remembering I am wholly loved by Almighty God brings confidence to the day, a day I don’t have to face alone, but with God, my ever-present Help. Through prayer and the Word, I can seek God’s will for my day, and He will direct my steps in the way I should go.
In the morning, I must commit my day to the Lord to be a pleasing sacrifice as I seek to obey and walk with Him.
In the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.” (Psalm 5:3)
Whenever I have committed my day to the Lord, including Him in my thoughts and decisions, I am always amazed how much better the day goes. I am more tranquil and content. The sacrifice of committing my day to the Lord is truly something that I can watch unfold throughout the day as I see His blessings surround me.
When I’ve started out my day in praise, prayer and Scripture reading, the blessings of the day will naturally outflow into evening.
In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord make me to dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8)
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I am a Pastor’s wife, mother, grandmother, part-time secretary and blogger. I love the Bible and excitedly anticipate learning something new every time I read the active and living Word. Visit my website or follow my social media!
Sweet words, Karen! I love how you tied the birds and their songs to our words of praise to the Lord. I do love my early mornings and I’ll be thinking about this as I purpose to lift my voice to Him.
Donna, Thanks so much for your kind words. 🙂
What Glory you will bring as you lift your voice to Him early in the morning.
Praising Him together!